What is Renova?

Erectile dysfunction, which occurs when a man does not have enough erection for sexual intercourse, can be caused by a variety of reasons. Erectile dysfunction is considered normal if it occurs occasionally, but repeated occurrences can cause problems such as confusion, anxiety, and inadequate sex life.

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    Renova, which has been used quite frequently in the world and in our country in recent years, is a system that has been specially created for the treatment of "Erectile Dysfunction" in the world and offers very effective results.

    Erectile dysfunction can be caused by physiological and psychological factors. Erectile dysfunction in young men is often due to psychological causes. Erectile dysfunction can be caused by stress, depression, sexual abuse, and fatigue. Erectile dysfunction may also occur due to diabetes, hypertension, neurological diseases, kidney diseases, chronic alcoholism and vascular diseases. Neurological diseases, spinal cord injuries, thyroid diseases, people over 50, radiation therapy and smoking also increase the risk of erectile dysfunction.

    Renova Linear Shock is a system designed for use in the treatment of erectile dysfunction. With the advanced technology of the Renova system, patients can be treated in just four treatment sessions. Patients with erectile dysfunction, which is one of the first sexual health problems, may delay consulting a doctor for reasons such as confusion, hesitation and anxiety about treatment. Renova treatment offers satisfactory results to patients who find erectile dysfunction treatment a long, painful and arduous process. The biggest advantage of Renova treatment, in which low shock waves are used, is that the scanning area is approximately 70 mm. With different treatment methods, shock waves can be transferred to only one point and the scanning area is much smaller.



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      Urology- What Is Renova Therapy ? – Renova Therapy Treatments In Turkey