What Is Rezum?
Rezum is the process of reducing the prostate by injecting water vapor into the prostate. By using special water vapor energy created with radiofrequency energy, the enlarged prostate tissue, which has compressed the urinary canal, is reduced. This treatment method received FDA certification in the USA in 2015.
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Who is Suitable for the Rezum Device?
- Patients with benign prostatic enlargement but not benefiting from medications
- Those who has prostate less than 80 grams
- Those who cannot receive general-spinal anesthesia due to their illness
- Those who do not want to use prostate medication continuously
- Those who want their ejaculation functions to be affected by the operation at the lowest level
How is Rezum Treatment Applied?
The procedure is performed with the closed (endoscopic) method. After entering the prostate tissue with a camera passing through the urinary tract, small needles are inserted. Thanks to these needles, an ablative (melting/destroying) effect is performed on the tissue and the enlarged tissue is destroyed and removed.
Frequently Asked Questions
1How Long Does Rezum Take?
Processing time varies between 8-10 minutes. After the procedure, the probe is usually inserted and it is decided how many days the probe will remain according to the size of the prostate. Patients are discharged on the same day after the procedure.
2When Does Rezum Show Its Effect?
The effectiveness of the rezum treatment is especially evident in the next 2-3 days. becomes evident per week.
3Is Rezum Process Trustable?
The resin procedure has been safely applied in the developed countries of the world since 2017, and 35,000 patients have been successfully treated worldwide to date. It has safety measures to prevent damage to the urinary canal (urethra) during the procedure.
4Why is Rezum Important?
Rezum procedure is revolutionary for patients with health problems or elderly patients that are too big for surgery. Because it can be done under local anesthesia. The procedure takes only 10 minutes, even on the largest prostates. Patients can go home the same day. Compared to other treatment methods with a longer recovery time, patients return to their daily lives faster after Rezum. Another age group that benefits greatly from the procedure is the young male patient group with prostate enlargement. When these patients are treated with conventional methods, they may experience erectile dysfunction and more often retrograde ejaculation problems. However, the probability of retrograde ejaculation problem after Rezum is around 1%.
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